Monday, November 06, 2006

2006 CMA Awards

Today has been a great day! I am trying to enjoy my last few days off. I will go back to work on Wednesday so today I have spent most of the day cleaning up the dog hair left behind by my parents sweet, sweet Border Collies. They took the precious angels home on Sunday after a week of shedding and having accidents in my house. I truly think this is something I need to write "Dear Abby" about. I adore my parents and feel I owe them a lot in life, but their dogs wreck my house every time they bring them. Yes, I have a dog in the house, but my Sissy does not shed the way these dogs do, and she rarely, rarely has an accident of any kind.

On a lighter note, I thoroughly enjoyed the CMA awards tonight even though I think the face of Ronnie Dunn is a face only a mother could love, I enjoyed the personality of Vince Gill much more when he was the host. I loved seeing all the Country Music singers, if this makes me a Redneck then so be it. I have to say that I got to see Kenny Chesney in concert when the boys were showing at Houston last year and it was a great concert even though he had a broken leg during the performance. I think he is well deserving of Entertainer of the Year. I often wonder what happened with him and that actress he married. Wow, guess I should get a life.

I will say goodnight now as I enjoy a few Zesta crackers with Miracle Whip on top!!!! Yum, yum. Did I mention I was afraid I would gain weight while not being able to exercise the next couple of months?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

No more stitches

The past few days have been uneventful and it is glorious. It has been such a blessing that I have not had to go into work. I think I could get used to this, but I would be totally worthless because I am not good at self discipline and would lay around watching T.V. and blogging all day long.

Quentin had a game in Breckenridge tonight and they won but I have forgotten the score. He actually scored a touch down but there was a flag on the play so it was called back. He did score 2 points later in the game though. I wish I understood football better. I could not tell you what positions he plays even though he has told me a thousand times. Shannon tried to explain the game to me as we watched tonight and I just get so frustrated trying to figure it all out. Am I the only one who finds the game confusing? So many rules :( I am a keep it simple kind of person, maybe thats why I am more of a baseball fan.

I had my two week check up today and got my stitches out. My foot looked great at 2PM today and now it is swollen up like a balloon after going to the game. The football bus is due back into town at 11PM and then I can prop this baby up on a pillow.