Thursday, September 07, 2006

Problems with commenting

It has come to my attention through several emails that it is not possible to leave a comment on my posts. :( Since I am clueless about this whole blogger thing, I have no idea what is wrong or if there is anything at all I can do to fix it. PipeTobacco said that it was a possible error in the Blogger Betta system which I signed up for thinking that it was the newest so therefore must be the best. Evidently I was wrong. Either I have done something wrong or they don't have all the kinks worked out yet.

Here it is 10:35 PM Texas time and we have just finished 2 homework assignments that Quent has known about since Tuesday but decides at 8:3o tonight to tell us about despite the fact that they are due tomorrow. I have asked him everyday when I pick him up at football, "OK. Quent, go through your day in your head, is there anything or in particular any homework you need to remember?" Always the answer is "No" I don't know what else to do. I have purchased calenders for him to write in, he is on ADD medications!!!! AAAWWWRRRGGG. I don't know how to get this boy organized other than to go to his classes with him everyday.

I don't know exactly how to do this, but Happy Birthday to my friend and neighbor Anne Jones. Ok, I have no idea how to make it just say Anne Jones and be a link to her blog, so bear with my stupidity.

A star is born!

Yesterday around 2PM I received a phone call from a local news anchor interested in filming the boys with their steers to promote the local Fair and Rodeo that begins today. I accepted with reluctance for several reasons, 1) Shannon was gone and I am not that great at "wrangling" these 800 LB. animals 2) Although I am ever so grateful for recent rains, the careless weeds have taken over my yard and I am not exactly anxious to show the surrounding area how behind we are on mowing 3) I had a feeling the boys would be quite shy and not give them a lot of material to work with. I did end up calling Shannon at work and asking if he could possibly leave work early and head home since he was coming home last night anyway because he has a job interview this morning!!!! Yea, I will keep you posted on how that goes.

All of that aside, the news showed up about 5:30 to film. They only filmed Blake because Q's steer is sick and he is not going to participate in the fair this year. Now Blake is my youngest and I have always said he has the "gift of gab" but he really froze up when that camera was pointed at him. It aired on the 10PM news last night and once the did their editing, it was a really cute piece. They are going to follow him all through the fair as he weighs in, grooms his steer, and finally shows. So they are doing an entire series. I hope Blake will warm up to the camera as they go because he has such a cute little personality to be captured.