Thursday, December 14, 2006

An attempt to update

I have not even thought about updating on this blog in forever it seems. I just get so busy that when I do get time to sit down at the computer, I spend all my time catching up with my favorite blogger friends.

I have to admit that the Christmas season is not my favorite time of year. All the commercialism and hustle and bustle just seems to add more hurry to my already hurried life. I am off of work for the next 4 days (crossing fingers) so I hope to finish up my shopping, decorating and maybe even do some baking which I always enjoy doing. Thank goodness my Mom did put up my Christmas tree while they were here for Thanksgiving and the boys do have a few presents underneath but I am so far from being ready. Of course here it is 12:30 PM on my first day off and I have accomplished absolutely nothing so far, at this rate I will get nothing done. I was at the gym by 5:30 this morning, took the boys to school and then went back to bed and slept til noon. OK here I go, I'm getting motivated now....waiting.....waiting....its just not happening....maybe if I just get off my butt and start moving.