Sunday, September 24, 2006


We have had several busy weekends in a row. Last weekend was the County Fair. Blake placed 2nd in his class, which we were very pleased with. He also had his spot on the news which was very cute this time. He was not quite as nervous, plus they put a microphone on him while he was in the ring showing and it was much more natural. The cutest part of the clip was when they caught him at the end putting his head on Emmits and whispering "Good job Emmit" My parents were in town for the events as well. Quent was in the calf scramble on Friday night but didn't catch anything.

We returned late tonight from going to visit Shannon because he did not get to come home this weekend because he was on call. It sounds weird to say that since I am the one who is on call all the time. You could tell he was not used to the routine, every time we went in somewhere I had to get the phone that was issued to him for the weekend. I told him he would not make a very dependable Funeral Director, my pager has become such a part of my life that I feel naked without it.

Shannon has not heard anything from the interview he had here at home a few weeks back. He had such good vibes about it, but now we are getting a little discouraged. I pray that we hear good news this week. We had a chance to explore this weekend while we were visiting him. It is not a bad place at all and if it were not for school concerns, it would only make sense for us to relocate, none of us are ready to throw in the towel just yet though.