Saturday, September 02, 2006


I can't believe September has already arrived. The boys and I have made it through another week on our own. We are getting in a pretty good routine and I have to brag that all three of our beds have even been made everyday for the past two weeks. This is a first for us, I have never really been one to make the beds unless I know company is coming but I have decided that was not a very good example for them. Is it four weeks for a habit to be formed? My job has been a real challenge lately. There are so many interesting things that happen through my profession. I have been a Funeral Director for 7 years now and just when I think I have seen everything I am surprised by yet another family. I know I could get endless blogging material from these encounters but I fear that I would compromise the confidence these families place in me. Today I spent two hours with a man who came in to "pre arrange" everything because he was planning to take his own life in the near future. I felt truly inadequate but tried to counsel him as best I could. He refused to take any crisis numbers I could provide him and would not allow me to make any phone calls on his behalf.